Right On Page Devtools

No more cables
to debug iPadOS / iOS Safari

Inspect and Edit Elements on iOS & iPadOS Safari

Select any element on the page, view and modify HTML/CSS in real-time, right on your iPhone & iPad.

Inspect element on iOS SafariInspect element on iPadOS Safari

View Console Logs and Network Requests on iOS & iPadOS Safari

Debug JavaScript issues with full access to console logs, errors, and warnings directly on your iPhone & iPad.

Inspect Fetch/XHR requests, analyze response bodies, and examine request payloads without leaving your device.

Console logs on iOS SafariView network on iPadOS Safari

Quick intro on iPhone Safari

Quick intro on iPad Safari

We care about your privacy

  • 🔒 No tracking, no data collection in our browser extension, read our privacy policy
  • 🔒 Our browser extension requests permissions on a per-site basis, avoiding the need for any global authorizations
  • 💳 We DON'T collect your credit card info. We use Gumroad for checkout and payment, please refer to their privacy policy

Browsers we support

Debug web faster

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